13 Years of illuminAid!
illuminAid turns 13 this year! Take a look back on our travels throughout the world with our amazing partner organizations
What’s Happening in Tigray?
Makeshift classrooms in Tigray refugee camps are providing education and structure to the children.
Technology Spotlight: Drones, Pigeons, and ICT4D
What are the benefits of using drones in rural or underdeveloped areas?
What is Health Equity and How illuminAid Fights Inequities Locally and Abroad
Health equity is a pressing public health concern, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is what illuminAid is doing to address inequities locally and abroad.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Education
Helping disconnected children have access to a quality education is one of illuminAid’s main goals, making our approach to sharing information that much more important during the pandemic
13 Ways illuminAid Can Help You Make Your Message Stick
13 years of success and experience! Learn how illuminAid has created a global impact through our dedication to promoting positive behavioral change through video technology
Meet Our Spring '21 Interns!
illuminAid is thrilled to bring back our interns, Natalie and Emily for their Spring 2021 semester
How the First-Ever illuminAid Trip to Haiti Changed Everything
Founder Matt York shares how his first project to Haiti influenced the trajectory of illuminAid’s work
Vaccine Nationalism--and What illuminAid Is Doing about It
As we celebrate the emerging availability of vaccines for COVID-19, much of the developing world despairs ever receiving it. Here’s what’s happening--and how illuminAid is helping.