
COVID-19 Anton Holm COVID-19 Anton Holm

Op-Ed: COVID-19 Versus the World, the Whole World

These times are some of the most challenging in recent memory. The COVID-19 pandemic has dominated news headlines and stirred up a worldwide frenzy since the beginning of 2020. It may seem like the world is ending, but I assure you that it won’t. By how well we can follow the best practices set forth by medical professionals and the extent to which we protect those most vulnerable.

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UnshelteredTV, COVID-19 Guest User UnshelteredTV, COVID-19 Guest User

Chico-Based Nonprofit Creates Turnkey Solution to Educating the Unsheltered Population about COVID-19

is offering a radical new turnkey solution to help battle COVID-19 among Butte County’s unsheltered population. This solution, known as the “UnshelteredTV” initiative, uses portable, handheld projectors to help local aid organizations share important messaging about handwashing and social distancing to people experiencing homelessnes.

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Women Anton Holm Women Anton Holm

Gender in the Developing World

Empowering all individuals in the developing world is crucial in accelerating the development of these regions. We must ensure the human rights of all, doing what we can to protect these rights wherever they need protection.

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Africare Recap: Africare, Kenya March 2020

Enjoy this recap from our Executive Director Matt and Development Manager Andy detailing our most recent project in Lodwar, Kenya! 60-70% of Lodwar's inhabitants are illiterate; this makes our project even more important! We partnered with Africare to provide their staff with the video capabilities necessary to produce and disseminate important content. Africare now has increased capacity through training and video equipment to reach disadvantaged people with best practices and health information.

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Africa Carlee Janz Africa Carlee Janz

Life in Lodwar Town

Despite the area’s unique ecology and scientific value, the Turkana district is the poorest of Kenya’s 47 counties. In fact, 88% of the county’s population lives below the international poverty level.

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Behavior Change Guest User Behavior Change Guest User

What is Social and Behavior Change Communication?

Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) can be broadly defined as the attempt to change a population’s behavior by influencing its knowledge, attitudes, and social norms via a singular or variety of communication techniques. This article explores the history of SBCC and discusses OMPT’s implementation of proven SBCC methodology.

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