Why You Should Use Video for Your Next Communication Project
One of the greatest things about video is that it’s really versatile. You can use the same camera to film a variety of content. One day, you could make a video about pizza. The next day, you could film a wedding, or you could capture a new band’s first gig. You have the freedom to capture what you want.
What Do Pesticides, Latrines and Teachers All Have in Common?
Video is so effective for behavior change that it can be used for nearly any discipline such as health, agriculture, education and civic engagement. To put it in the words of our Program Manager, Kristin, “essentially if there is a behavior change component, then video can be integrated.” At OMPT we have worked with partner organizations across a variety of sectors and have witnessed positive change with lasting results. Let’s take a look at some specific examples:
Interview: Samuel Baafi, World Vision Communications Manager
Last month, OMPT worked with World Vision in Bamako, Mali, teaching their staff how to make videos that captured the incredible benefits of the water pump and latrines installed a few months prior. Communications manager Samuel shared his feedback and experience with us:
It's Only March, and This Is Why You've Already Quit Flossing
Anyone who has ever made a New Year’s resolution knows that change is hard. Think of a behavior in your life you want to change, for example let’s say you want to floss everyday. It sounds simple right? And at first it is.
Interview with Carli Parisi: How will ICT4D and Behavior Change Impact Our World?
As a recent International Studies graduate of Chico State University, OMPT intern Carli is passionate about how technology can impact the future of marginalized communities around the world. As this week is UNESCO’s Mobile Learning Week, we thought it would be a great time to learn more about where she got her start, her excitement for technology in developing nations, and what she thinks might change the world.
Water Towers & Toilets: Here's How World Visions Improvements Helped Bring Behavior Change to Mali
For our first project of 2019, OMPT worked with World Vision in Bamako, Mali, a west African country. OMPT trained World Vision staff how to create videos that documented the success of the new water towers, bore holes and latrines that World Vision installed last year. These new improvements will bring better sanitation and health to the schoolchildren and local community.
Kristin's experience with World Vision in Mali
This was my third trip to Africa and each time I return from this beautiful continent I’m struck by the same thought: people are people everywhere. Regardless of where you live and in what conditions, people have the same desires, are excited by the same things and experience the same emotions.
World Vision Mali photo blog
We’ve just finished our first workshop of 2019 and are excited to share our experiences with all of you. Stay tuned for updates from Matt and Kristin as they get arrive back home from Mali. In the meantime, here are some photos from the project!
illuminAid returns to Mali for workshop with World Vision
Last week, OMPT’s Matt York and Kristin Henderson traveled to Bamako, Mali to host our second workshop in the country in the last two months. This was OMPT’s third time working with World Vision, a faith-based organization that provides humanitarian aid throughout the world.