
Interview with Carli Parisi: How will ICT4D and Behavior Change Impact Our World?

As a recent International Studies graduate of Chico State University, OMPT intern Carli is passionate about how technology can impact the future of marginalized communities around the world. As this week is UNESCO’s Mobile Learning Week, we thought it would be a great time to learn more about where she got her start, her excitement for technology in developing nations, and what she thinks might change the world.

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Africa, Video Education Workshop, WASH Guest User Africa, Video Education Workshop, WASH Guest User

Water Towers & Toilets: Here's How World Visions Improvements Helped Bring Behavior Change to Mali

For our first project of 2019, OMPT worked with World Vision in Bamako, Mali, a west African country. OMPT trained World Vision staff how to create videos that documented the success of the new water towers, bore holes and latrines that World Vision installed last year. These new improvements will bring better sanitation and health to the schoolchildren and local community.

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