AIFO- Liberia
illuminAid spearheaded a 4-day workshop with our partner, AIFO Liberia, May 2 through May 5, 2021. The event’s theme was training and equipping communities to more effectively protect the rights of people with disabilities. Communities across Great Monrovia, Montserrado County, Bong County and Nimba County participated in the video technology sessions to increase awareness of disabled person’s work and employment rights as well as the ability of the community to assist these persons.

Our work is rooted in the methodology of participatory video, and the educational power of that video. Disabled persons also have the opportunity to be involved in the locally-created videos. AIFO Liberia will help to disseminate the educational video and durable equipment in these communities to bridge the digital divide in unequal access to technology. Within these counties, AIFO Liberia endeavors to create videos that will bring actionable attention to the plight of people with disabilities.
Challenges of the disabled community in an area where most of the community already is disenfranchised by poverty and lack of opportunity can be overwhelming. Barriers that they face when accessing employment or pursuing entrepreneurship often are compounded. People with disabilities additionally confront hardship while accessing services or information on the COVID-19 pandemic. illuminAid and AIFO Liberia put together this workshop to empower disabled persons through video technology and filmmaking to help inform their community about their challenges and push for change as well as compassion.
Discipline: Disability rights
Location: Monrovia, Liberia
Partner: AIFO Liberia
Project Date: April/May 2021
This project falls under Sustainable Development Goal #10