Nigeria’s Success as the Last Country in Africa Declared “Wild Polio Free”
Public Health Professional Rohey Njie explains what it is really like to eradicate polio in Northern Nigeria
Where They Are Today: Rohey Uses Video to Help Prevent Polio
Rohey Njie, Senior Program Officer for the Directorate of Health Promotion & Education with the Ministry of Health in Gambia, participated in a Video Education Workshop with OMPT three years ago and now uses her video creation skills in community health.
Life in Lodwar Town
Despite the area’s unique ecology and scientific value, the Turkana district is the poorest of Kenya’s 47 counties. In fact, 88% of the county’s population lives below the international poverty level.
Here's What Happened in Africa This Summer!
Two of our most successful projects to date! Matt and Kristin spent two weeks in back-to-back Video Education Workshops, first in Ethiopia and then in Kenya.
How illuminAid Is Working to Close the Digital Gap for Women—and Why It Matters
Technology has always been at the forefront of human development. It took human civilization from hunter-gatherer to agricultural, developed modern society through the Renaissance and lead the Industrial Revolution.