Life after Omar al-Bashir: Sudan Now?
Even though a revolution has occurred in Sudan, and their totalitarian leader has been overthrown, there is still civil unrest and the displacement of people going on throughout the country. This is especially evident when looking at the region of Darfur in western Sudan.
Thoughts from the Horn of Africa
“They had next to nothing, but what struck me most was their generosity. They offered what little they had—their huts, their people, their time—to allow us to create a temporary film set in the middle of their living spaces.”
What's REALLY Happening in Sudan? (And How Is illuminAid Involved?)
The ongoing developments in Sudan have made it a priority target for OMPT’s intervention. We will be training NGO staff and trainers from Sudan, so that they can then take this knowledge back to their home countries and empower them to make a difference in their communities. Keep reading for a timeline overview of the events in Sudan .